Season of Sharing Logo_External_Color and White

Season of Sharing is a community effort to support individuals and families in need in Topeka and Shawnee County during the holidays.

Giving to The Topeka Community

Applications Accepted Oct. 23 - Nov. 10

Helping Individuals and Families in Need

How it works

From Thanksgiving to Christmas Day, we’ll spread love, support and holiday cheer throughout the Topeka and Shawnee County community! Our focus is to provide unique or specialized items and services which will have a big impact on the quality of life of the recipient. We seek to help meet the needs of the recipient that are currently not being met and are typically not granted by other giving programs. This can include essential items such as medical equipment not covered by insurance, assistive devices or other items to meet educational needs for students, and home modification for safety and accessibility reasons. Anyone can apply, or you can nominate someone you know.

Once chosen, recipients will be notified and arrangements for gift delivery will be made.

Each year, we can only grant a limited number of wishes. Not all who apply are guaranteed selection. ALL fields must be completed for consideration.

Thank you for your interest in Season of Sharing!

Applications close in:


If chosen, recipients will be notified and arrangements for gift delivery will be made.
Applications accepted Oct. 23 - Nov. 10 at 5 p.m.

Applicants will be notified by phone, email, or mail whether or not they have been selected by Dec. 4.

“Season of Sharing is a opportunity for us to give to those in need
in our community and to help make their holiday season a little brighter.”

Tracy Khounsavanh Killough, Director of Community Engagement